Monday, November 15, 2010

Pre-Race Peppiness

Time sure flies by when you've got your head wrapped around your significant other, kiddo, work, family, friends (the ones still hanging around) and then working them all around your running.

The past six months have whizzed by, it's hard to believe I'm tapering for the Wild Hare 50m already.  Training has been great, I feel like I've got a good base established, all there is now is to go out there Saturday and rock it out one mile at a time.

Lack of sleep, bickering over crazy waking hours (**WEEKENDS ARE FOR SLEEPING IN!!**), randomly falling asleep at home in odd places, raiding the fridge after long runs only to suffer from immense heartburn or deadly gas, leaving mud prints all over the house when I forget to take off my shoes, leaving mud prints all over the house when I do, evil silences incurred from staying out hours past when I say I'll return, and the slew of aches and pains have all been worth it.

A special thank you goes out to Molly M, my ever gracious girlfriend.  "It's not that I'll be patient, but I will TOLERATE it."  Her understanding, and sometimes lack of, has helped me push through to where I am right now.  Oftentimes I haven't been able to eloquently elaborate upon the answers to the questions she's posed, but she's always just accepted whatever I've given her.  For example, the every-weekend half-a-day-encompassing Long Runs.  Those have always been fun trying to explain, and then still making as much effort as I can to be a father and understanding partner whilst dead on my feet.

Oh, and did I mention that during all this, for half of it she's been pregnant?  The woman has been awesome.

So now all that's left is to go over my checklists for the ump-teenth time, and then go through everything I've packed one last time before I hit the road late Friday afternoon.  Saturday, rain or shine, is going to be glorious.

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