Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What would YOU do for a Kondike Bar?

First thought as I walked into my heavily air conditioned apartment from the trail, "Holycrapneedwater." Never mind that I'm officially back up to double digit mileage I just didn't feel like celebrating any mile stones at that moment. The heat wore me down the last 3 miles, multiply that with what started as a decent breeze early in the morning that become a constant hot wind, and that water was not my stomaches' friend and quickly vacated after every sip, and we have a good ol' time in the Texas sun, I tells ya! After a week or two I should be alright, it always takes my body a little extra time to recalibrate itself to the unrelenting heat.

After I took a shower and got some cold fluid in my system (as well as a Klondike Bar boo-ya!) I felt better and was able to actually see that, indeed, I had run 10 miles. My pace was good, water intake could be better, but over all it was a good run. My shoes will probably need changing out soon as I could feel every single rock today, and noticed it more as I began to wear down, so that's someting to add to my to-do list over the weekend.

I've never actually realized just how much grime I accumulate as I run. Before heading inside, I take my shoes and socks off at the front door and the majority of the time I see mud or dirt that's stuck to my legs, but today it looked as if I was sporting dark brown tights.

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