Friday, July 8, 2011

Train Kept a Rollin'

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." -Jimmy Dean

It's officially been two weeks since I've made the transition to a stay-at-home-father.  Slowly I've put together a mental checklist and schedule for cleaning the house, laundry, groceries, ect, that I've been hesitant to put down on paper as it's an ever changing beast.  Once I put down "Do Such-and-Such Thing on Such-and-Such Day" I know I won't stick to it as something will always come up. 

The kids are doing amazing.  Our oldest is adjusting to having a little sister, and by adjusting he's not as harmfully curious about her.  Where in the beginning you could definitely see that he didn't know what to make of her, after just two weeks, you can see in his eyes that something is starting to click.  He's gradually become gentle and calm when he gets near her.  I'm sure that he doesn't grasp the concept of "sister" yet but he understands that she is here to stay.

She was officially a month old a week ago and has been developing at a good pace.  She's been trying to keep her head up to look around when she's sitting up in either mine or my fiance's lap.  She is beginning to make little "cooing" sounds that babies do, and smiled for the first time a few days ago.

As for my running, I got back on tallying mileage as soon as I hung up my scrubs for the last time.  I've started running at night, just as soon as we've tucked in my oldest at 2200, and mostly on road.  Even though I'm not a big fan I know it's a necessary evil if I am ever to consider running a 50 any time soon.  Usually pavement tears me apart and leaves both my knees in shreds for a few days, so I was hesitant to start with long mileage, but since I've changed my stride, my knees have been fine.

Mileage last week was 33.73, and this week (it's Friday morning) I've logged 11.26 but haven't hit a long run and have taken too many days off.  Mark that up to laziness.  I'm keeping a more watchful eye on my miles as I know I need to be running, at least, 40-50 a week if I am to even think of finishing a 50 miler by 15 hours.  I'll start building up the mileage slowly to make sure my body adjusts to the roads.

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Paths Ahead

My running has taken a bit of a backseat these past few months.  I'm hoping to start adding more miles soon, but it will be difficult.  The balancing act of parent and runner is teetering a bit, especially since my fiance is about to deliver our second.

Time to upgrade to a double-kiddo running-stroller.

Friday, April 1, 2011

"Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells 'CAN'T', but you don't listen. You just push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper 'can'. And you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are."
- Unknown

Usually on Fridays I tone down my runs.  I try to keep it short and simple, and trot about three miles at a slow pace to wind down from the week and look forward to a long run on the weekend.

I got off work a bit early, and as I was driving over to the trail, thought, "I wonder if I could crank out a half-marathon before I need to head home."  It was barely 0530, and I knew my kiddo wouldn't be waking up until close to 0830, so I had a window.  With the temperature hanging around 58 and the sun still not up, how could I not try? 

Luckily, I've started carrying my trail-running gear, and keep two to three 2.5-gallon jugs of water in the trunk of my car at all times.  Knowing I had everything I may need, once on the trail, I set my GPS and was off.

My pace hovered around 12.03 min/mile the entire time, which felt great.  I feel, now, that I could have run faster, but with it being dark, I hung back.  I had already eaten it twice when I tried to gun it and didn't want to take any chances. 

It was nice to be out in the cool night air, just the sound of my feet and the wind in the trees.  I didn't come across many critters until sun-up and didn't even run into another person until close to 0715.

I did consider stopping twice, not because I was tired, but my mind kept telling me "Your SUPPOSED to be running a short day!!".  Maybe I should start rethinking what I consider a "short" run.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We can rebuild him...

Slowly building the mileage back up to what I was used to at the end of the year.  The holidays really threw me for a loop there.  Sure it's fun visiting family, but the evil combination of running flat open roads (Iowa, I'm glaring at you) and also NOT running (damn you's Januaray and your stingy needle-like icy-rain) tore me down.

Meh, but I've been back at it these passed couple months and plan on hitting the usual long runs every other weekend (so as to have a "life" and appease the fiancee).  Still planning out any races I'd like to hit, but so far it looks like it might be touch and go as we are expecting our second little trail runner in June.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rollin with them MT101's

Sunday was like a first date.  Catious in every move, flirtatiously pushing any buttons that came to mind all the while toeing that imaginary line that hovers in the gray area of lust.  I kept my pace low, took frequent breaks, and really listened for any aches and pains.  I had already layed out ground work for the past few weeks, changing my stride, lightingThankfully I've been planning for this transistion into a lighter and more minimilistic shoe for sometime, so everything felt in order.

Fast forward to Tuesday, where I said the hell with caution.  I ran all uphills and BOMBED downhills with a reckless abandon that I never afford myself.  Every footfall was solid, with a few exceptions when running through an ankle-deep creekbed, and no matter how technical the trail got, I did not slow down with a fear of slipping because of loose terrain.

I have not been this excited about a trail shoe since I first started wearing my old Brooks ASR's back in the day.  Wearing them now, they feel like tanks in comparrison, but they were a great transistion from pavement to dirt.  I still wear them, just not to run because they are damn comfortable (and yes, they ARE falling apart at every seam but are damn comfortable).

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year = New Life Challenges

A long time ago I decided to forgo the usual tradition of coming up with a New Years Resolution, instead I try to use the first month or so of the year to pen a list of goals that I intended to accomplish by the end of the year.  I'm still putting things together but I should have a grocery list by the end of the month.  Now that I have a one year old and another kiddo along the way, I think my schedule may be a little full.

Until I have my list in order, I'll just be going back and forth, incorporating more saddle time on my mountain bike along with my logging miles running.  I forsee at least one adventure race somewhere in this year.

Happy New Year!