Friday, June 25, 2010

Dialing In and Lacing Up

Excuse me while I dust off the thick layer of disuse from off my keyboard.


Well, I'm back to recording my runs as both a necessity and also a means of self gratification. This week I've trying a new program that utilizes my cell phone as a GPS device and then uploads my progress (or lack-there-of) online for refrence and comparison. Endomondo, check it out, its super easy to use, which is a bonus.

Have I stopped running, yes and no. I haven't been actively training for any events, but I have been getting out and spreading my legs, I have also been mountain biking quite a bit, something new that I hope to incorporate during my light days.

Now that I'm actively looking to do tackle my first ultra (yes, for the third year in a row) the updates should be more frequent as I'm hitting new trails that are discoveries from mountain biking excursions and less of the flat/paved mind-numbing variety.