"Gazelles are widely known for their speed, and being able to maintain it over long periods of time. They tend to live in herds and sup on soft foliage that is easily digestible."
Svoosh, svoosh, svoosh, svoosh.
Can you hear it? That's the sound of a gazelle either coming up on you from behind or coming just around the bend. Now let's multiply that by four or five and you have what I heard all morning long. As they run by, with feet that NEVER seem to touch the ground, they talk to each other about their speed, pace, and what their secret workouts are for keeping max VO2, they scare neither a woodland creature as they seem to run in harmony with all around them. All while keeping that insane pace.
TWHOP! svoosh TWHOP! svoosh TWHOP! svoosh TWHOP! svoosh TWHOP!
How about that? Tell me you can hear that, right, everything else sure as heck does as I can hear them running in fear through the trees? Now that's what I sound like. I'm what you call a Clydesdale. I gave up on